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ATA presents...Dream With Your Eyes Open

Posted by Lauren Craig on

The 28th Annual Exhibition & Sale of African American Art
featuring the work of
Jerry Gant
and over 60 established & emerging artists from the African diaspora
Art In The Atrium, Inc. is a non-profit New Jersey African-American fine arts organization founded in 1991, which showcases the work of both established and emerging artists through an annual exhibition and ongoing community arts education programming. It is dedicated to increasing awareness, understanding and appreciation of fine African-American art, craft traditions and artists.

This exhibition has been made possible by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Pink Dragon Artist Syndicate, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, the African American Fund of New Jersey, Morris Arts, the New Jersey State Council of the Arts Department of State, a Partner Agency to the National Endowment of the Arts, and by patrons of Art In The Atrium, Inc. We are so grateful. 

Exhibition co-curators: Gwendolyn Barrington Jackson, Onnie Strother, Janet Taylor Pickett, Rosalind Vaughn Nichol, and Bisa Butler
Board of Directors: Charles Craig, Lauren Craig, Simone Craig, Walter Goodwin, Leslye Folmar-Harris, Ivory Herbert, Marjorie Herbert, Gwendolyn Barrington Jackson, Andrea Lekberg, Wannetta Phillips, Stephanie Taylor, Roland Whitley, Janet Toler Woods, Lawrence Woods